This is the time of year when the weather gets cold in most places in the U.S. There are always the occasional winter storm or harsh winds that can blow through your town, even if it is mostly a temperate area. Severe weather changes can damage any roofing system that is not prepared and well maintained. To get the most out of your roofing and to protect your investment, be sure to check for damage after any weather changes. Those occasional weather changes can bring expensive roofing damage and possible injury. Identifying any damage after changes in the weather is important and needs to be done sooner rather than later. Finding and repairing the problems immediately prevents any damage from getting worse. Weather changes of any kind, be it from rain, hail, or wind, can weaken your roofing, so regular roof inspection is necessary to ensure it stays in top shape.

Winds can damage roofing by ripping materials and displacing roofing components. Winds can also pick up objects and throw them against your roof, causing damage. Even if the winds do not seem harsh, it is a good idea to give your roof an inspection to be sure nothing was moved or damaged. If something is left undiscovered it can turn into more serious damage later. It is also a good idea to check with your insurance policy as to what weather damage is covered. Most insurance companies will cover severe weather damage as long as the condition of the roof is well maintained beforehand. Claims get denied if the damage is attributed to “wear and tear” rather than the weather itself. Implementing a routine maintenance and inspection schedule for your roof will provide longevity for your roof and protect your investment. Be sure to inspect all surfaces and clean gutters regularly. Repair weakened flashing and any holes before the damage get worse and more expensive.
But not just the wind can cause damage, rain and snow can be a problem as well. If you notice a leak, you must immediately dry out anything that came in direct contact with the water, such as drywall, and any equipment. If not, you will be at risk for long-term damage and ruined equipment as well as damage to the integral building structure. Signs of damage can include odors from mold and mildew on walls, buckled floors, peeling paint/wallpaper, and weakened sub-floors. It may be necessary to remove portions of walls, ceilings, and floors to completely dry everything out. To avoid future indoor air quality problems consider removing and replacing those materials. For the best results begin the drying out process within 48 hours of water exposure.
Final thoughts
Taking care of your roof all year round is the best way to prevent weather damage. Be sure to inspect your roof after any weather changes and fix any damage you identify. Work with a professional roofer to assess and repair any damages after weather changes and your roof will be ready for whatever is coming next.